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Smart Lighting & Home Control: The Basics

luxury kitchen area with bar, smart lighting, in-ceiling speakers, and a TV

Discover How to Streamline Your Daily Routines with Technology

Looking around your home, how many lights do you have? According to the Department of Energy, you probably have more than 60 light switches if you’re anything like the traditional homeowner. Think about the time it would take to turn each on or off, having to walk room-to-room of your Manhattan, KS, property. Cutting that down to mere seconds is possible when you have a smart lighting control system! 

Read more below to learn about this convenient home solution that can manage your lighting, shades, and more!

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With smart lighting, you have control over your connected lighting fixtures and motorized shades, so the power of natural and artificial lighting is at your fingertips. One tap of a button or a prescheduled scene can lower or raise shades and dim or brighten lights. This incredible time-saver lets you focus on yourself and your family.


Simply press a button on an elegant on-wall keypad, a smartphone app, or a smart remote, and you can shift the look and feel of a living space within seconds. The “Dinner” scene transforms the dining room to have an incandescent glow similar to candlelight and the shades lower to add privacy. A custom integration team like Redi Systems can also incorporate other technology subsystems, such as your multi-room audio system, so you that can stream a romantic dinner playlist simultaneously!

Cost Savings

Though you can use your existing incandescent bulbs, switching to cost-effective LED lighting uses 90% less energy and lasts up to 25 times longer. Not only does this help homeowners reduce their monthly utility expenditures, but they can enjoy the convenience of not having to replace bulbs as frequently.

You can reach out to our team here if you’re ready to explore the possibilities of smart lighting for your home.

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