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5 Home Security System Myths Debunked

closeup of two hands installing a Luma outdoor security camera

Separating Fact from Fiction with Professional-Grade Solutions by Redi Systems

We all know that keeping our homes in Salina, KS, safe is a top priority. However, with so much chatter about home security systems, it's easy to get lost in the maze of myths and misconceptions out there. Below, we set the record straight on home protection—keep reading!

SEE ALSO: A Home Security System Needs More Than An Alarm

Myth 1: Home Security Systems Only Protect Against Break-ins

Think again! Today's systems are like Swiss Army knives that offer varied, versatile, and multifunctional protection. Apart from guarding against unwanted crime, many alert you to fire, flood, or gas leaks.

Myth 2: They're Too Expensive

With the range of security options out there, there's something for every budget. And an investment now could save you in the long run by proactively dodging property damage or theft. 

Myth 3: False Alarms Happen Frequently

While the old system your parents had might've mistaken the cat for a burglar on several occasions, modern technology has come a long way. Leading-edge components, professional design, setup, and regular maintenance ensure your alarm knows the difference between a real threat and a false alarm.

Myth 4: But My Dog Will Set It Off!

Pet parents have no need to worry because many of today's systems come with pet-friendly sensors. Fido can roam free without tripping an alarm.

Myth 5: I Live in a 'Safe' Neighborhood, So I'm Good

Safety is relative. Even the coziest gated and guarded neighborhoods aren't immune to risks. A security system offers an extra layer of peace of mind, no matter where you call home.


Don't let myths cloud your judgment. Do your research, and let an expert assist you in finding and incorporating the best system for your Kansas property! Contact our team today to get a security assessment and learn more.

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